Our Services
A cost effective support base for our clients

Project Support
A conscientious approach
Red Lion Marine has been involved with various renewable & Teesport based projects over the last decade, often involving the initial planning stages through to execution, including:
Port infrastructure & upgrades
Client representation & Management
Barge Masters
Vessel feasibility & sourcing
Project cargoes
Light towage & vessel moves
Marine Co-Ordination
Major infrastructure construction support

A dynamic fleet, at your service
Red Lion Marine operates a small fleet of vessels. based on the Tees.
Our inhouse craft can support the following:
Safety boat cover
Standby operations
Light harbour towage
Survey works
Film & Media works
Light harbour towage
Platform for jetty & quayside maintenance
Dive Support
Cargo Operations
And more!

Equipment Recovery & Salvage
On Call 24/7
RLM Has provided turn key solutions for clients requiring immediate support, including:
Equipment recovery from shore
Vessel salvage & refloat
Engine powered pumps
Buoyancy Aids